Aldeburgh GC. Won 9½ to 6½ Royal Worlington GC Lost ½ to 4½
Royal Porthcawl GC Won 8½ to 5½ Royal West Norfolk GC Lost 2 to 3
Lloyd’s GC Halved 8 to 8 Senior GS Lost 3 to 5
West Hill GC Lost 1 to 7 XL Club Halved 3½ to 3½
NAGS Lost 3½ to 4½ HAC GS Won 7 to 3
Tim Hobson’s side Lost 1½ to 5½ Walton Heath GC Lost 0 to 4
Sunningdale Seniors Lost 2½ to 3½ Elders GS Halved 3 to 3
Rye GC Won 4½ to 1½
Wins 4 Halves 3 Losses 8



MEETINGS 2018                        

Carlton Trophy 2018                        

Winner: Julian Hill
Runner-up: Nigel Majury


Edward Brice Trophy

Winners: Ian Mavor & Sam Rajaratnam


Spring Meeting

Gibbs Challenge Cup Andrew Cunis
Runner-up Michael Stephens
Foursomes George Meakin & Jeff Turner
Runners-up Michael Bourne & Alan Hissey


Summer Meeting

Hedley Le Bas Salver Julian Hill
Runner-up George Meakin
Foursomes Alan Arscott & Paul Champness


Captain’s Day

Cancelled for bad weather


Guest Day

Foursomes. a.m. Michael Wauchope &  David Hough
Runners-up George Meakin & Peter Worth
Foursomes. p.m. Ian Mavor & Huw Williams
Runners-up Michael Webster & Mark Pettman


Autumn Meeting

Prince of Wales Cup James Davis
Runner-up Alan Hissey
Sir John Hay Bowl Bertie Shotton
Runner-up Brian Spear
Foursomes winners David Pettman & Ross Graham
Runners –up Mark Dumas & Michael Webster


Fathers & Sons Day

Winners Paul Dyas & Jeremy Richardson
Runners-up Ed & Michael Pickard