In this area we have a section of videos showing how the website works.

Member Directory

How members find details of other members and self-update their details.

Matches and Meetings

How members express their interest in playing in matches or sign-up for meetings.


If you are entering a Match, the Match Manager will advise you of the cost either before the Match or on the day.  If you are entering a Meeting the cost will be shown on the entry page and you will have the option of either paying by BACS transfer or, by clicking the drop down menu marked “payment” (or it might be “payment method?) you can pay by credit card.If you are entering a Match, the Match Manager will advise you of the cost either before the Match or on the day.  If you are entering a Meeting the cost will be shown on the entry page and you will have the option of either paying by BACS transfer or, by clicking the drop down menu marked “payment” (or it might be “payment method?) you can pay by credit card.

Match Management

How match mangers manage their match online without having to involve the hon sec.


Alternatively, please read Jeff Turners useful guide – Lucifer Web Site instructions