The Lucifer Golfing Society
Guidelines for Selection and the Process up to Election of New Members

1. Selection criteria
The Society is looking for candidates who would make good active Lucifer members fulfilling the following criteria:

1.1. These criteria are that they:

(a) positively enjoy foursomes golf and come from a wide range of club memberships and locations ;

(b) recognise the Lucifers’ strong rapport with the tradition and ethos of the countries of the Commonwealth (and former Commonwealth);

(c) understand that they will be expected to be engaged in a minimum of 3 Lucifer matches, meetings and/or events per annum;

(d) are, in principle, willing to participate in one or more of its overseas’ tours and

(e) are likely to know others who might well be suitable themselves to be introduced as potential new members in the future and whose future candidature might be promoted by their current Proposer or Seconder until such time as they becomes eligible themselves as Proposers or Seconders- see * to para. 2.1 below.

1.2 The Society has a self-imposed limit on the number of 100 active players (now deemed to be those under 75 years of age)

2. Process

In order to complete the election process by the November Committee meeting, it would be best if Proposers could forward candidates’ names and some details about them to the Hon. Scribe by 30th April.

2.1 Timetable and preliminary requirements

A Proposer* wishing to put forward a candidate for Election to the Lucifers on the following 1 January needs to :-

– Find a Seconder and have the Seconder* communicate to the Hon.Scribe his written support for the candidate.

– Contact the Hon. Scribe with the following information:
Candidate’s name, addresses (postal and email) , age
Golf clubs and Society memberships, occupation, handicap and other supporting information e.g. wife/partner’s name and whether a golfer & Commonwealth connections (if any).

*The Proposer and Seconder must each be a Lucifer of at least 3 years’ standing and be prepared to take responsibility for the fulfilment by their nominees for membership of their ongoing obligations (q.v. the criteria in 1.1(a)-(e) above). Equally, this should encourage a member who has become a member during the 3 years (following such new member having joined the Society) to provide his original Proposer or Seconder with details of potential candidates for Lucifer membership who fulfil such membership criteria. To enable such original Proposer or Seconder to satisfy himself that any such potential candidate is likely to match these criteria he should himself meet him preferably as part of a game of foursomes. It is also expected that the new member will be a ”Supporter” of any candidate whom he has suggested during the first three years of his membership until he is permitted to propose and second potential candidates himself under the Rules of the Society.

2.2 Initial Screening.
Whilst it is recognised that a potential candidate will need to be sounded out to enable a proposer and/or seconder to determine that he would fit
the selection criteria in 1(a) –(e) above, the candidate should not have been issued with a formal invitation to join the Lucifers, at this stage. What we are looking for is an indication of a candidate’s willingness for his name to go forward. This will allow a short time for the Captain and Committee members to review the candidate and will ensure that there is less embarrassment for all concerned, if it was felt that the candidate was not suitable at this time .

2.3 Formal Application and the need for Supporters
Once confirmation has been received from the Captain or Hon. Scribe that the initial screening has been undertaken and the candidate is suitable to go forward , the Proposer should ideally supply the Hon. Scribe by no later than mid-June (if he has not done already) with the completed Application Form (containing all the information referred to in the second bullet point in para. 2.1. above) and the names of at least 3 other supporters * .
*Supporters do not need a membership time qualification, but cannot support more than 2 candidates in any one year. Also, it is recognised that a candidate may not be well enough known by sufficient number of Lucifers to support him. If a candidate has less than 3 supporters but his candidature is otherwise compelling, he may nonetheless be considered for membership. Particular golfing or Commonwealth connections or membership of a club not already well represented by Lucifer members are likely to be an advantage.

2.4 June
The list of candidates will be considered at the June General Committee and if its members are happy for the candidates to progress to the next stage their candidatures will be considered as per the process described in 2.5 and 2.6 below.

2.5 July-October
Candidates nominated within the above time limits will either play golf or have lunch with the Captain and at least one other Committee Member (General or Past Captains’ Committees), the objective being, subject to election, to gauge their willingness to participate as Lucifers fulfilling the membership criteria set out in para. 1.1(a)-(e)

2.6 November General Committee
At such meeting candidates for the ensuing year are formally elected*, subject to no objection from the membership. With this in mind, the Hon Scribe will circulate Members, following the Committee meeting.
*Requires a unanimous support.

2.7 Conclusion of the Process
Successful candidates are sent a letter by the Hon Scribe in November or December inviting them to join LGS on the following 1st January and to pay the first year’s subscription and the entrance fee.


November 2022